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Learning about a New Medium

As a visual artist, I play with gooey, wet oil paint. But as of late I am skimming the surface of graphic design. I am taking a wonderful class, that engages me completely. It absorbs my attention and captures my concentration. If Yellowstone were to irrupt, I probably would never notice.

I am displaying some ot the examples I created today with Adobe Illustrator.. I used quite a few tools such as the pen tool, where I was able to trace a shape, such as the pear. Also, I was able to learn how to copy a shape and repeat it using the commands. I dabbled with how to tweak the shapes I created with the rectangle tool as well.

I find learning about this program to be like learning to play the guitar for the first time, it uses my all of my concentration, it can be intimidating at times but very rewarding. I can't wait to progress in my course. Be looking for more!

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